State of Formation:
Name of Corporation:
(must end with Inc., Corp., Ltd. etc.)
Principal County of Business
Service of Process address
(The Corporation must have a physical address within the state of formation – except for NY)
If you do not have a physical address in the state of formation then you will need to designate a Registered Agent: (except for NY)
If you have already designated a Registered Agent, please provide:
(please provide a brief description of the purpose of the entity)
Will the Corporation be managed by Owners or Directors ?
Full Corporation Kit
Ship to(if different from the billing address)
*An EIN, or Employer Identification Number, is a federal tax ID number that is unique to a business. The number is assigned by the IRS and is required for most businesses. The EIN is the corporate equivalent of your social security number and is usually required to open a corporate bank account, hire employees or file a tax return. We can take the hassle out of the process for you and file the required forms and obtain your EIN from the IRS on your behalf.
Will the Corporation be managed by Owners or Directors:?